Health Services
Public Health Nurse
The Public Health Nurse provides Health Services to our school. The enrolment questionnaire and discussion with the New Entrant Teacher form part of an assessment of each childs health when they start school. From time to time the school may ask the Health Nurse to see a child at school for running ears, vision checks, assessment of skin conditions, etc. Please inform the school if you do not require this service for your child. You may contact our Health Nurse, through the school directly, or by phoning 408 3425.
Routine checks on eyesight and hearing are conducted at the school during the year. Cleanliness of hair and nails is a parental responsibility and is encouraged. The school needs to be informed if children are on regular medication. Antidotes for specific allergies can be kept in the School Sick Bay. Our attention should also be drawn to any ailments your child might suffer from while at school.
Dental Treatment
Inspection visits are conducted yearly, where all children on the school roll are seen. Parents whose children require treatment are contacted by the Dental Nurse. You can contact the Dental Nurse by phoning 0800 698 3384.